Tuesday, February 25, 2014

School Play and Bullies

The school play is nearly complete which is a great relief to me! Dress rehearsals from 6-9pm on a school night make for grumpy kid and mom. They are doing A High Schoolers Guide to the Galaxy which is a spoof of Hitchhiker's Guide of course. From what the boy says it's really funny. Can't wait to see it at the end of the week!

The boy has been dealing with some bullying at school as a result of his current fascination with make up. He's very stoic about it but of course as a mom I worry what it's really doing to him inside. And I'm stuck because he claims to not know the kids so reporting them is impossible. I think he just doesn't want me to report it. I'm trying to respect his choices in this regard but will keep my eye on the situation. Every time the phone rings while he's at school my heart stops for just a second wondering if it's the school and if something has happened. Being a parent is terrifying sometimes. You just want your child to feel safe and loved but the world doesn't always provide those things while you're away from them.

1 comment:

  1. I think you ought to give yourself a big gold star for raising him with so much strength & self-confidence!
